Julie Blanchard
Town Council
"Civic Duty is a Responsibility to Serve Our Society."​
Office Manager at a law firm
Professional Legal Assistant
Entrepreneur and Coventry small business owner
Coventry Board of Ed 2003-2005
Served on the Town Council for 7 terms
Served as Council Chairwoman for a total of 6 years
Windham Region Council of Governments member and Secretary
Served as President of the Hans Christian Andersen Montessori Board
Strong supporter of governmental transparency and accountability
Supporter of the Coventry Police, Fire & EMS Departments
"I Work for Better Outcomes & Lower Taxes."​
Married with 3 adult children
Successful small business owner in Coventry, 31 years (Executive Recruiter)
MBA in Finance, Boston University
BS, University of Notre Dame
Served 6 terms on the Coventry Town Council
Served as Chairman of the Finance Committee for 8 years.
Served on Coventry Board of Education 1997-1999
Strong analytical skills - provides leadership on the town budget, financial issues and contracts
Works hard to identify the needs of the community and improve quality of life, providing services at reasonable costs
Continuously fights for greater transparency and full disclosure to taxpayers
Supporter of the Coventry Police, Fire & EMS Departments